Why ERP Consulting Services Are So Important: 6 Major Benefits

By - Sham
March 31, 2022 10:41 AM

With the emergence of new technologies and an increasing number of small and medium enterprises, there is a dire need for specialized consulting services that can help businesses make informed decisions. 

Why Hire An ERP Consultant?

When hiring ERP consulting services, you’re forming and building a partnership of sorts. As the owner, no one will know the specifics of how your company runs, and the same goes for an ERP consultant with their ERP system. When your daily routine involves developing, integrating, deploying, and evaluating a business management system, you know exactly what your system requires to create a complete solution. This relationship is vital if you want a successful ERP implementation and integration.

The main goal of any  ERP implementation is to simplify all business processes. ERP consulting and services can help companies save a substantial amount of time and money. By simplifying tasks, company operations will notice an increase in productivity and ease of work. This allows your team to prioritize other important tasks.

ERP consultants have detailed knowledge of the ERP industry. They know what types of software are available, as well as which services would be best suited for your company’s needs. With their guidance, they can ensure you become a leader in your industry. An expert ERP consultant will keep your project on track by following the correct procedures, such as mitigating project risks. 

The Main Benefits Of ERP Consulting Services

Below are the main benefits of hiring ERP consulting services.

1. Expertise in ERP Implementation

An ERP consulting services company usually has a background in either business technology or management information systems. This background gives them expertise in knowing how to design an ERP solution for any unique business model. Working with an ERP consulting services company gives you access to specialized consultants for each step of the implementation process. A well-designed and prepared solution saves you costs in the long run by avoiding unnecessary modules or add-ons, providing functionalities for your current pain points, and remaining flexible for any plans of expansion. Compared to doing the implementation with an internal team, working with an ERP consulting services company will lead to both higher ROIs and better KPIs that will pop up within just a few short months.

Furthermore, these expert consultants have the training, certifications, and experience in ERP software, leading to increased proficiency in the software’s functionalities, limitations, and methods to customize it. ERP consultants also often take care of annual software updates and stay up to date with ERP trends.

2. Software Demonstration

ERP consulting services companies usually have separate teams of consultants categorized by software expertise. After you choose the software you want for your business, you’ll work with the designated consulting services team. These specialized consultants know the ins and outs of every module and function and will guide your team through a software demonstration. Due to their extensive understanding of the system, they will point out the pros and cons of the software in relation to your company’s goals. Keep in mind that if the executives of your company explore a demo on their own, decisions might quickly become fueled by a limited understanding of the software.

3. Specialized Project Management

ERP consultants are your partners-in-crime when it comes to project management. They will create a detailed timeline for implementation as well as a list of project deliverables. Their timeline will go into detail on when your team will need to join the discussion and when your employees can expect to start testing the new ERP software.

Having an ERP consultant who can efficiently restructure a project timeline through inevitable changes improves both the speed and efficiency of the whole implementation process and prevents project failure. Hiring an ERP consulting services company can shave months off the project and thousands of dollars off of additional software costs.

4. An Unbiased Analysis 

An essential first step to any digital transformation project is a business analysis of the company, to analyze not only all internal processes but also any pain points, inefficiencies, and goals for the future. When this analysis is performed by someone within the organization, you run the risk of a biased report. Hiring an external group of expert consultants allows a fresh set of eyes to discover things that your managers and maybe even yourself may have never recognized before. 

A thorough group of ERP consultants will engage in an extensive inquiry process with your company, asking questions surrounding metrics, processes, security, and any existing tech stack. This inquiry process helps companies map out processes either how they currently run or how they want them to run in the future, so there is a clear understanding of what a new solution will aim to solve.

5. Valuable Industry Insights

Many ERP consulting services companies specialize in and have years of experience in specific industries. Not only does this make them familiar with the industry’s regulations, policies, and trends, but they also will have learned a lot of helpful lessons from past implementations in your industry. ERP consulting teams also offer you a number of great resources, including industry insights, data from exclusive surveys, and detailed industry success guides.

6. Ongoing ERP Training And IT Support

Efficiently training and onboarding any organization, regardless of size, takes an expert in the software. ERP Training is usually executed over the span of a few months, but your ERP consultants may continue to help you if you need more assistance managing problems that arise after implementation. A lack of change management can cause significant drops in both employee productivity and morale. ERP consultants that know how your company functions inside and out will be able to support employees when they need it, reducing workflow delays and stress. 

ERP consulting services companies should act as long-term partners that can offer your company technical support when any issues inevitably pop up, even years after your initial implementation. Because ERP consulting services companies generally charge based on services provided, you aren’t wasting any money. Instead, you’re investing in resources that your organization needs when it needs them.

Erphub is a leading US-based system consulting, ERP solution development, and administration service that can ensure your business efficiency is raised to its optimum level. For more information, contact us by email.

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